Minggu, 17 November 2019


Group 4 consists of : (from left to right)
- Salwa Chairunnisa
- Fajria Fauziah
- Rio Lambardo


This time group 4 chose a national mandatory song with a title Di Timur Matahari, the song was composed by WR Supratman. The song Di Timur Matahari has a deep meaning, that is, we as young Indonesian youth must be able to instill a sense of responsibility, hard-working, and always ready to face all the problems / threats that are in front of us, and passionately defend Indonesia's independence. This song was created before Indonesia's independence and aims to arouse the spirit of the youth in the struggle for the motherland.

Here it a video when we sing Di Timur Matahari.


Di timur matahari mulai bercahya
Bangun dan berdiri kawan semua
Marilah mengatur barisan kita
Seluruh pemuda Indonesia

or click to listen more details https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6KPx3171MA


Group 4 explains the material about caption text. They were explaining the definition about caption text, generic structure of caption text, the language features, the function of caption text, rule of writing a caption, and how to write caption text.

Well, here I will explain what group 4 has said about caption text.

What is caption text?
Caption text is a brief description, heading, or title that identifies or introduces a document, graphic, photograph, or table.

Generic structure of caption text
1. The title
2. The leads
3. Section Heading

Language features
1. Exclamation
2. Question
3. Adjective Phrase
4. Personal Phrase

The function of caption text
Help readers or viewers to understand more information that might not be in photos or videos.

Rule of Writing a caption
1. Supply specific information (Answering 5W1H Question)
2. User present tense on the first sentence
3. Captions are written in a complete sentences
4. Clearly identify the people and location in the photo
5. Identify the person from left to right

How to write caption text
1. Observe the picture or video you will give the caption
2. Find out the message that will be sent from the picture before you write the caption
3. Write sentence or phrase under the picture

Types of caption text
1. Identification bar : This type of caption only mentions who is in the picture
2. Cutline : This type of caption mentions who is drawn and what it does
3. Summary : Contains a complete description of who was drawn, what was done, when it happened, where it happened, and why it was done.
4. Expanded : A more complete form of summary, this type of caption also includes how it happened and the quote.
5. Group identification : Same as the type of caption identification bar, only this type is used if the image contains more than one person.
6. Quote : Contains quotes from someone's words related to the picture.


At the closing section, we sing a tradisional song called Ayam Den Lapeh which was created by Abdul Hamid.


Luruihlah jalan Payakumbuah
Babelok jalan Kayu Jati
Dima hati indak kan rusuah
Ayam den lapeh, ohoi ... ayam den lapeh

Mandaki jalan Pandaisikek
Manurun jalan ka Biaro
Di ma hati indak maupek
Awak takicuah, ohoi ... ayam den lapeh

Sikua capang sikua capeh
Saikua tabang sikua lapeh
Tabanglah juo nan karimbo
Ai lah malang juo

Pagaruyuang jo Batusangka
Tampek mandaki dek urang Baso
Duduak tamanuang ...

or click this link to listen more details https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6RoXsKk0x8

Thanks for visiting my blog, hope u like and enjoy it, oh do not forget to leaving a trail! Xoxo <3

credits :
- https://www.penuliscilik.com/whats-caption-text-materi-caption-kelas-12/
- https://englishadmin.com/2015/11/pengertian-dan-contoh-caption-bahasa-inggris.html

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