Minggu, 05 Januari 2020


Hello everyone, how was your long vacation? fun? but it doesn't feel like a long holiday cause tomorrow is Mmo0Nnda4yY 😭 the sign the school atmosphere has started haha ​​it's sad because the teaching and learning activities (kbm) at school have started as usual especially for us the fighters of state universities 2020 surely this year the lessons will be more intensive and many exams begin coming :) hopefully we are all given health huh! Aamiin

Oh yeah by the way here I want to tell you a little about how I ended my long vacation. Just walking for a day, but let's get started!

28/12/2019, that day suddenly my mother invited us and my family to go to Bogor, but take the commuter line not by car. We left for the Manggarai station at around 11 noon. After arriving, daddy immediately bought a ticket (in the form of a card that can later be exchanged for money). Tickets are distributed to each person (me, my sister, my younger brother, and my mother). Now, after successfully entering the station platform, we soon waited for the train to arrive. Alhamdulillah, maybe because this is still classified as a morning train, the carriages are a little quiet. Me, my mother, my younger sister, and my younger brother (because I was 6 years old) we sat in a carriage for women.

The trip takes about 1 hour. When the train arrived, the city of Bogor was raining, well, I was not surprised because Bogor was indeed famous for the "City of Rain" plus it was currently the rainy season. Luckily my dad brought an umbrella so congratulations we were not exposed to the wet rain.

We took shelter briefly at the station while waiting for the grab car that we ordered. About 15 later, the car came and immediately drove to its destination, namely to the restaurant Gurih 7. Gurih 7 accidentally encountered when we were googling good restaurants in the city of Bogor and the restaurant appeared with Sundanese characteristics, Gurih 7.

According to the initial schedule, we should have traveled first to the Bogor Botanical Gardens (KRB), but due to the conditions of the season which did not allow it, we finally decided to just eat right into the restaurant.

Not that easy, when we arrived at Gurih 7, we couldn't eat right away because the restaurant was in a "FULL BOOKED" condition so we had to queue to get a hut to enjoy the food here.

We use the waiting time by performing the midday prayer because it is already entering the noon time (it was around 13:00).

Not long after we finished praying, a waiter called my father's name. Yes that means we can already have a place to eat! the servant immediately showed us the gazebo.

The atmosphere in the restaurant Gurih 7 is very beautiful like eating in the middle of rice fields! there are fish ponds and artificial waterfalls! Wow, it's really delicious. The food here is also affordable and in my judgment the taste is equally delicious! if given a rate maybe 7.5 / 10 yes that's not too bad :)

After eating, we hurried back to Jakarta using the commuter line.

Wow, taking a short walk in Bogor at that time made me want to stay there! haha maybe because the atmosphere is cool and cool Bogor is different from in Jakarta. But Jakarta is also not too bad to live in while at home there is still air conditioning! haha okay guys this is all about my holiday story, you can also exchange holiday stories! see u next time ❤❤❤

p.s : i have some pictures about my short walk in Bogor, here u go :)

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