Minggu, 17 November 2019


Group 11 consists of : (from right to left)
- Dewi Ayu Sukmawati
- M. Aziz Firmasnyah
- Nicholas Partogi Situmorang
- Salsabilla Ananda Putri


Group eleven was choose Maju Tak Gentar as their national compulsory song. It was created by Cornel Simanjuntak


Maju tak gentar
Membela yang benar
Maju tak gentar
Hak kita diserang

Maju serentak
Mengusir penyerang
Maju serentak
Tentu kita kita menang

Reff :
Bergerak bergerak
Serentak Serentak
Menerkam Menerjang Terkam

Tak gentar tak gentar
Menyerang menyerang
Majulah majulah menang


Group eleven or the last group was explaining about application letter.

Application Letter / Letter of Application is a letter that is made and sent by someone who wants to work in an office, company or certain institution. Job application letter including official or official letter. Therefore, there are certain rules that must be considered in their writing.

Making Application Letter
1. Date Line / Place and Date of Letter Creation
Bandar Lampung, April 26, 2016
Jakarta, February 4th 2016
Make sure when you write the Date Line, do not exceed the deadline for sending letters.

2. Inside Address / Destination Address.
General Television and Radio. Inc.
Jln. Jendral Sudirman No 342

Make sure when you write Inside Address completely and accurately. This helps to make your application letter to the destination and not the wrong address. Things to note are:
Company name (General Television and Radio. Inc.)
Company Address (Jln. Jendral Sudirman No 342, JAKARTA 14700) Include City name and post code, it will be better.

3. Salutation / Greeting / Greetings Opener
Dear Sir,
Dear Mr. Rudolph,

4. Opening Paragraph / Opening Paragraph
In the Opening Paragraph there are a few things you should understand:
1. The purpose of the position is in the opening paragraph, you will write about one of the positions or positions in the Job Vacancy Job Vacancy.

2. Source of Information means that in the Opening Paragraph, you can (this is not mandatory) write about where you get the source of the Job Vacancy. But if you have a source of information about the Job Vacancy, you better write it down.

3. Attachment means that in the opening paragraph, especially in the last sentence, you can write about your personal data in detail / specifically in an attachment / document that you include together with your application letter (attached files of my CV and other required documents) . This appendix can be:

(CV) Curriculum Vitae / Curriculum Vitae
Identity Card / KTP
Certificate / Diploma
and many more
The purpose of the sentence attached files of my CV and other required documents is that in addition to your CV you attach your other documents. Other documents in question such as: Diplomas / KTP / Photos, and others.

5. Body Paragraph
In the Content Paragraph there are some things that you must understand.
1. Educational Background, the intention is in the Content Paragraph section, you can write about your last educational background.

2. Experince, the intention is in the Content Paragraph section, you can write about your work experience. This experience is not required to be written especially for those of you who are still the status of Fresh Graduated / Fresh Graduates.

3. Skills, the intention is in the Content Paragraph section, you can write down all the abilities / skills and characters that you have. This makes it easier for you to be accepted at the company you are applying for.

6. Closing Paragraph
In the Closing Paragraph the things you should pay attention to are not too complicated. You just need to write in the hope that you will be interviewed and tested as soon as possible to find out how great your abilities / skills are.

7. Closing Greeting / Closing Greetings
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.



Suwe ora jamu
Jamu godhong tela
Suwe ora ketemu
Ketemu pisan gawe gela
Suwe ora jamu
Jamu godhong tela
Suwe ora ketemu
Ketemu pisan gawe gela

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Group 10 : (from left to right)
- Diana Monica
- Indah Saraswati
- Ramadhan Muhardi


Group ten was choose Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa as their national compulsory song. Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa was created by Liberty Malik. The contents of this song turned out to be very thick with the Youth Pledge. Where from the Youth Pledge Pledge it is known that the youth at that time not only recognized as one nation, but also claimed to be one homeland and one language.

Pledge of youth oath which has the contents of one homeland, one nation and one language turns out to have a very deep meaning.


Satu Nusa
Satu Bangsa
Satu Bahasa kita

Tanah udara
pasti jaya
Untuk selama-lamanya

Pusaka indonesia
Indonesia tercinta
Nusa Bangsa dan Bahasa
Kita bela bersama ...

Satu Nusa
Satu Bangsa
Satu Bahasa kita

Pusaka indonesia
Indonesia tercinta
Nusa Bangsa dan Bahasa
kita bela bersama

if you want to listen more clearly, click the link below :


Group ten was presenting about conditional sentences.

Conditional sentences are sometimes confusing for learners of English as a second language.

Watch out:

Which type of conditional sentences is it?
Where is the if-clause (e.g. at the beginning or at the end of the conditional sentence)?
There are three types of conditional sentences.

type condition
I      condition possible to fulfill
II     condition in theory possible to fulfill
III    condition not possible to fulfill (too late)

1. Form
type if-clause main clause
I Simple Present will-future or (Capital + infinitive)
II Simple Past would + infinitive *
III Past Perfect would + have + past participle *

2. Examples (if-clause at the beginning)
type if clause main clause
I If I study, I will pass the exam.
II If I studied, I would pass the exam.
III If I have studied, I would have passed the exam.

3. Examples (if-clause at the end)
type main clause if-clause
I will pass the exam if I study.
II I would pass the exam if I studied.
III I would have passed the exam if I had studied.

4. Examples (affirmative and negative sentences)
type Examples
 long forms short / contracted forms
Type I   + If I study, I will pass the exam. If I study, I'll pass the exam.
              - If I study, I will not fail the exam.
If I don't study, I will fail the exam.
If I study, I won't fail the exam.
If I don't study, I'll fail the exam.

Type II   + If I studied, I would pass the exam. If I studied, I'd pass the exam.
               - If I studied, I would not fail the exam.
If I didn't study, I would fail the exam. If I studied, I wouldn't fail the exam.
If I didn't study, I'd fail the exam.

Type III   + If I had studied, I would have passed the exam. If I'd studied, I'd have passed the exam.
                 - If I had studied, I would not have failed the exam.
If I had not studied, I would have failed the exam. If I'd studied, I wouldn't have failed the exam.
If I hadn't studied, I'd failed the exam.

* We can substitute could or should be sometimes possible, too).

- I would pass the exam.
- I could pass the exam.
- I might pass the exam.
- I may pass the exam.
- I should pass the exam.
- I must pass the exam.


Group ten chose one of the traditional songs titled cik cik crockery from the West Kalimantan region.


Cik cik periuk sumping dari jawe
Datang nek kecibook bawa kepiting dua ekook

Cik cik periuk sumping dari jawe
Datang nek kecibook bawa kepiting dua ekook

Cak bur dalam melihat picak iddung gigi rongak
Sape kitawa dolok dipancung raja tunggal

If you want to listen more clearly, click the link below :

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Credits :


Group 9 : (from left to right)
- M. Ihsan
- Restu Amelia
- Ayuning Pinandhita


This time we sing a national compulsory song entitled Teguh Kukuh Berlapis Baja which was created by Cornel Simanjuntak.

Cornel Simanjuntak is a composer, born in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra 1921. He is an autodidact, music theory and practice education was obtained from Father Jesuit J. Schouten during his schooling at the HIK Xaverius College teacher in Muntilan, Central Java. He died on 15 September 1946 due to a lung disease which he suffered from an irregular life during the struggle for independence, in which he actively participated. Not many works left, including especially songs that all show beautiful creativity and strong musical prowess. The melody is beautiful and full of charm, as in Mekar Melati and Let's Sing. The songs Kemuning and 0, Angin except for the warm poignant lyrics, also contain a dramatic taste.


Teguh kukuh terpasang Baja rantai
semangat mengikat padu
Tegak benteng Indonesia
Tengah badai bersatu padu
Berpadu negara
Sumpah nan setia
Semati kita runtuh
Sehaya jaya

Biar topan menghantam baja
Mara Hebat Menembus Rantai
Namun Tegak gagal masa
Benteng kitd menantang badai

Berpadu negara
Sumpah nan setia
Semati kita runtuh
Sehaya jaya

if you want to listen more clearly, click the link below :


Group nine was explaining about news item and direct indirect.

Direct sentences and indirect sentences may be confusing for English learners. First, let us define these two terms, then learn how to say something that is said by someone else, and how to change a direct sentence to be indirect or vice versa.

You can answer the question What did he say? in two ways:

by repeating the words said (direct speech)
by reporting spoken words (indirect / reported speech)
Sentences immediately repeat or quote the exact words spoken. When using direct sentences in writing, we put the words spoken between the quotation marks ("") and these words do not change. We can report something said NOW (for example, a telephone conversation) or tell someone later about a previous conversation.

She says, "What time will you be home?"
She said, "What time will you be home?" and I said, "I don't know!"
"There's a fly in my soup!" screamed Simone.
John said, "There's an elephant outside the window."
Indirect sentences are usually used to talk about the past. So, we usually change the tense of the words spoken. We use reporting verbs such as say, tell and ask. We can also use that word to introduce the words reported. We do not use quotation marks.

She said, "I saw him." (direct sentence) = She said that she had seen him. (indirect sentence)

That can be removed:
She told him that she was happy. = She told him she was happy.

Use say when there are no indirect objects:
He said that he was tired.

Always use tell when you mention who to talk to (i.e. indirect objects):
He told me that he was tired.

Use these two verbs to describe the act of communicating:
He talked to us.
She was speaking on the telephone.

Use these two verbs with the word about to explain what was said:
He talked (to us) about his parents.


Group nine choose Ampar - ampar Pisang as their closing songs. Anyway, Ampar - ampar Pisang is a Banjar language Indonesian song. This song tells about a banana that is processed by being sprinkled / dried in the process of processing bananas into a typical food. This song is a typical song from South Kalimantan and is sung by children as an accompaniment song in the game. Ampar - ampar Pisang was created by Ria Angelina.



Jari kaki sintak, dahuluakan masak 2x
Ampar-ampar pisang
Pisangku balum masak
Masak sabigi, dihurung bari-bari 2x
Mangga lepak, mangga lepok
Patah kayu bengkok
bengkok di makan api, apinya cangculupan 2x

if you want to listen more clearly, click the link below :

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Credits :


Group 8 consits of : (from left to right)
- M. Iqbal Zayyan
- Anggun Fatinah
- Farid M. Faqih


Group eight choose Rayuan Pulau Kelapa as their opening songs. The song was created by Ismail Marzuki.

Rayuan Pulau Kelapa tells about the beauty of nature in Indonesia. Specifically, the islands stretching from Sabang to Merauke. This song also has meaning that the diversity of flora and fauna in Indonesia.


Tanah airku Indonesia
Negeri elok amat kucinta
Tanah tumpah darahku yang mulia
Yang kupuja sepanjang masa

Tanah airku aman dan makmur
Pulau kelapa yang sangat subur
Pulau melati pujaan bangsa
Sejak dulu kala


Melambai lambai
Nyiur di pantai
Berbisik bisik
Raja Kelana

Memuja pulau
Permai nan indah
Tanah Airku

if you want to listen more clearly, click the link below :


Group eight was explaining about news item.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, news item text is a text which informs readers about events of the day (News item text is a type of text that provides information about daily events or events. News item is one type of text in English that is used if you want learn to be a reliable journalist.

Events that are conveyed to the reader are events that are considered important and deserve to be made into news. An event that is not important or inappropriate for the public to know does not deserve to be news. The communicative purpose of this type of text is to preach to the reader, listener or audience about an event or event that is deemed important or worth reporting.

In the news item text, there are three parts to the language structure, namely:

1. Main event
This section is also known as the newsworthy event. This section is a part that tells or contains news about events or core events that are usually written in the form of a summary (summary).

2. Event background
This part which is often referred to as Elaboration is a part that tells the background of events or events, who was involved and the location of the incident.

3. Source
The last part is the source, which tells about comments, witnesses to events, opinions of experts, and so on about events or events reported.

In every type of text in English there are linguistic characteristics that can distinguish it from other types of texts. The most prominent feature of news item text is its short and concise language. Following are the linguistic characteristics of other news item texts:
• Short information contained in headlines
• Focus on an event
• Dominant uses saying verbs, as reported, quoted, said, preached, and so on.
• Generally use action verb, which is a verb that indicates activity
• Frequently use auxiliary verbs that indicate time and place
• Using process material


Group eight choose O Ina Ni Keke as their closing songs. O Ina Ni Keke was creted by RC Hardjosubroto and originally from Minahasa, South Sulawesi.


o ina ni keke, mangewi sako
mangewa ki wenang, tumeles baleko
o ina ni keke, mangewi sako
mangewa ki wenang, tumeles baleko

we ane, we ane, we ane toyo
daimo siapa kotare makiwe
we ane, we ane, we ane toyo
daimo siapa kotare makiwe

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Group 7 consists of : (from left to right)
- Muhammad Kinu Adam
- Muhamad Yasir
- Delima Winda Putri


Group seven choose Berkibarlah Bendera Negeriku as their opening songs. Berkibarlah Bendera Negeriku was created by Ibu Sud

A little information, Ibu Sud has a real name Saridjah Niung. Ibu Sud creates a lot of songs namely national compulsory songs and children's songs. He is known as a three-time musical figure, namely the Netherlands, Japan, and the era of Indonesian independence.

His career in music even began long before Indonesian independence. His work was first broadcast from NIROM Jakarta radio, the period 1927-1928.

In addition, Ms. Sud is well known in the art of batik. For his work and service, he received the Satya Lencana Budaya award from the Indonesian government and MURI.


Berkibarlah bendera negeriku
Berkibarlah bawa di dadaku
Tunjukkanlah ke dunia
Semangatmu yang panas mambara

Daku ingin jiwa raga ini
Selaraskan keanggunan
Daku ingin jemariku ini
Menuliskan karismamu

Berkibarlah bendera negeriku
Berkibar di luas nuansamu
Tunjukkanlah ke dunia
Ramah tamah budi bahasamu

Daku ingin kepal tangan ini
Menunaikan kewajiban
Putra bangsa yang mengemban cita
Hidup dalam kesatuan

Berkibarlah selalu
Bendera negeriku
Menghias langit biru
Oh indonesiaku
Tunjukkan dirimu ke dunia
Dan torehkan warnamu di dalam dada

Berkibarlah bendera negeriku
Berkibarlah bawa di dadaku
Tunjukkanlah kebanggaanku dan semangatmu
Yang panas membara

Berkibarlah bendera negeriku
Berkibarlah bawa di dadaku
Tunjukkanlah ke dunia
Semangatmu yang panas mambara

Daku ingin jiwa raga ini
Selaraskan keanggunan
Daku ingin jemariku ini
Menuliskan karismamu

Daku ingin kepal tangan ini
Menunaikan kewajiban
Putra bangsa yang mengemban cita
Hidup dalam kesatuan

Daku ingin jiwa raga ini
Selaraskan keanggunan
Daku ingin jemariku ini
Menuliskan karismamu

Daku ingin kepal tangan ini
Menunaikan kewajiban
Putra bangsa yang mengemban cita
Hidup dalam kesatuan

if you want to listen more clearly, just click the link below :


Group seven was presenting about procedure text (how to operate something). 
This group was the last group to explain the procedure text (how to create: group 1, how to do: group 6, how to operate: group 7). Because this text is a part of the procedure text type, this text also has the same function, purpose, structure, and language features as other procedure texts.

Here is some examples about procedure text ; how to operate something.

How To Use A Glue Gun

The word "Glue Gun" may sound dangerous for us, but it is not an actual gun to shot a bullet. Instead it can help us in making a handicraft. In the process the heat from the gun will melt the glue stick and turn it into a liquid form that we can use to stick anything including the parts of our handicraft. Follow these following steps if you want to use the Glue Gun.

1. Check and clean the glue gun from any old glue clogging in the nozzle.
2. Put the glue stick into the gun nozzle.
3. Insert the plug into the electricity socket.
4. Prepare a sheet of paper and put the glue gun on it.
5. Wait until the gun get warmer.
6. Squeeze the trigger gently to check if the glue stick has changed into liquid form.
7. Finally, you can apply it on any surface that you want to stick by using this glue gun.


Before they end their presentation, they inviting us to sing a traditional song together which is Manuk Dadali. It was created by Sambas Mangundikarta. Manuk Dadali is a traditional song from West Java.


Mesat ngapung luhur jauh di awang-awang
Meberkeun jangjangna bangun taya karingrang
Sukuna ranggaos reujeung pamatukna ngeluk
Ngapak mega bari hiberna tarik nyuruwuk

Saha anu bisa nyusul kana tandangna
Gandang jeung pertentang taya bandingannana
Dipikagimir dipikaserab ku sasama
Taya karempan kasieun

Manuk Dadali manuk panggagahna
Perlambang sakti Indonesia Jaya
Manuk Dadali pangkakon carana
Resep ngahiji rukun sakabehna

Hirup sauyunan tara pahiri-hiri
Silih pikanyaah teu inggis bela pati
Manuk dadali ngandung siloka sinatria
Keur sakumna Bangsa di Nagara Indonesia

if you want to listen more clearly, just click the link below :

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Group six consists of : (from left to right)
- Meidika Hadiyabes
- Putri Dewani Iswara
- Atsiilah Amalia


Group six choose Bagimu Negeri as national compulsory song that we will sing together today.
For your information, Bagimu Negeri was created by Kusbini. 
Bagimu Negeri has a meaning showing the spirit of nationalism and patriotism as well as a deep love for this lovely country.


Padamu negeri kami berjanji
Padamu negeri kami berbakti
Padamu negeri kami mengabdi
Bagimu negeri jiwa raga kami

if you want to listen more clearly click the link below :

if you want to play a song Bagimu Negeri on a musical instrument, here is a musical note :


Group six was explaining about procedure text (how to do something). How to do something is one type of procedure text that explains how to do things well. The text structure is the same as other procedure text structures. In the following I will review a little about the text of the procedure.

Generic Structure of Procedure Text
# Goal: It is containt the purpose of the text. (e.g: How to grow tomato plants)
# Material or Ingredient: it is a containt of the materials that are used in the process.
# Step: it is containt of the steps to make something in the goal.

The Characteristics / Text Feature of Procedure Text:
- Use adverbial of sequence / Using temporal conjunction (e.g: first, second, third, the last)
- Use command / imperative sentence (e.g: put the noodles on the ... cut the onion ... wash the tomatoes ...)
- Using action verb
- Using Simple Present Tense


At the closing section, we sang Anging Mamiri by Arshinta P. Aziz. Anging Mamiri is a traditional songs from Makasar, South Sulawesi.


Anging mammiri ku pasang
Pitujui tontonganna
Tusarroa takkaluppa
Tusarroa takkaluppa

Tutenayyatutenayya pa'risi'na
Tutenayyatutenayya pa'risi'na

Battumi anging mammiri
Anging ngerang dinging-dinging
Namalantang saribuku

Mangerang nakku
Nalo'lorang nalo'lorang je'ne mata

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 Group 5 consists of : (from left to right)
- Mutiara Hafshoh
- De Flora Balqis
- M. Andika


Group 5 choose a national mandatory song with a title Sepasang Mata Bola which was created by Ismail Marzuki.
The song "A Pair of Eye Ball" means about attacking fighters who must leave the city of Jakarta, for the sake of fighting in Yogyakarta which is the temporary capital of Indonesia during the struggle. In Yogyakarta, from the trainer's warriors saw a pair of eyes that seemed to ask him to fight against the occupation and maintain the independence of Indonesia, from the invaders referred to in the song as "the angry anger".
At that time, the city of Jakarta was being occupied by Dutch invaders who returned in the form of the NICA (Nederlandsch Indië Civil Administration) or the Netherlands East Indies Administration who were piggybacking on the Allied troops who disarmed and repatriated Japanese soldiers who had lost to World War II.
In this song, Ismail Marzuki wants to give encouragement to the fighters who are willing to travel long distances to defend Indonesia.


Hampir malam di Jogja
Ketika keretaku tiba
Remang-remang cuaca
Terkejut aku tiba-tiba
Dua mata memandang
Seakan-akan dia berkata
Lindungi aku pahlawan
Daripada si angkara murka
Sepasang mata bola
Dari balik jendela
Datang dari Jakarta
Menuju medan perwira
Kagum 'ku melihatnya
Sinar sang perwira rela
Hati telah terpikat
Semoga kelak kita
Berjumpa pula
Dua mata memandang
Seakan-akan dia berkata
Lindungi aku pahlawan
Daripada si angkara murka
Sepasang mata bola
Dari balik jendela
Datang dari Jakarta
Menuju medan perwira
Kagum 'ku melihatnya
Sinar sang perwira rela
Hati telah terpikat
Semoga kelak kita
Berjumpa pula
Hati telah terpikat
Semoga kelak kita
Berjumpa pula

or click this link to listen more details about Sepasang Mata Bola by Ismail Marzuki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHthz-fGiW8


Group 5 was explaining about news item. 

Definition of News Item
News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or important.

It means if there is an important event that should be known by many people, then this event deserves news. Well, the news text is called the news item text. However, if there are events that people do not deserve, then they are not definitely worth to be news.

Generic Structure of News Item
# Main Events / Newsworthy event(s): it recounts the event in summary form.
# Elaboration / Background event(s): they elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstance
# Resource of Information (Source) : it contains comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities expert on the event

Purpose of News Item
News Item Text is used to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important.
– To inform the readers about newsworthy or important events of the day
– To present information the readers about newsworthy or important events of the day

Language Feature of News Item
– Focusing on circumstances (using a simple language in writing the text)
– Using saying verbs: “….”, She said, informed, told, reported.
– Sometimes at the beginning of news, the scene is mentioned : Jakarta – … .. / Kuala Lumpur – …
– Using Past tense in explaining news events. But if it is a fact that until now still happen or still in the form of fact, then can use simple present tense.
– Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
– Using adverbs: time, place and manner.
– Uses of material processes to retell the event


At this closing section, group five choose Rumah Gadang which is a traditional song from West Sumatera.


Minangkabau…, tanah nan cinto
Pusako bundo dahulunyo
Rumah Gadang…, nan sambilan ruang
Rangkiang baririk di halamannyo


Jikok den kana hati den taibo
Tabayang bayang di ruang mato
Jikok den kana hati den taibo
Tabayang bayang di ruang mato

Rumah Gadang…, nan sambilan ruang
Rangkiang baririk di halamannyo

or click this link to listen more details about Rumah Gadang songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vomK6NVQ1c

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Credits :


Group 4 consists of : (from left to right)
- Salwa Chairunnisa
- Fajria Fauziah
- Rio Lambardo


This time group 4 chose a national mandatory song with a title Di Timur Matahari, the song was composed by WR Supratman. The song Di Timur Matahari has a deep meaning, that is, we as young Indonesian youth must be able to instill a sense of responsibility, hard-working, and always ready to face all the problems / threats that are in front of us, and passionately defend Indonesia's independence. This song was created before Indonesia's independence and aims to arouse the spirit of the youth in the struggle for the motherland.

Here it a video when we sing Di Timur Matahari.


Di timur matahari mulai bercahya
Bangun dan berdiri kawan semua
Marilah mengatur barisan kita
Seluruh pemuda Indonesia

or click to listen more details https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6KPx3171MA


Group 4 explains the material about caption text. They were explaining the definition about caption text, generic structure of caption text, the language features, the function of caption text, rule of writing a caption, and how to write caption text.

Well, here I will explain what group 4 has said about caption text.

What is caption text?
Caption text is a brief description, heading, or title that identifies or introduces a document, graphic, photograph, or table.

Generic structure of caption text
1. The title
2. The leads
3. Section Heading

Language features
1. Exclamation
2. Question
3. Adjective Phrase
4. Personal Phrase

The function of caption text
Help readers or viewers to understand more information that might not be in photos or videos.

Rule of Writing a caption
1. Supply specific information (Answering 5W1H Question)
2. User present tense on the first sentence
3. Captions are written in a complete sentences
4. Clearly identify the people and location in the photo
5. Identify the person from left to right

How to write caption text
1. Observe the picture or video you will give the caption
2. Find out the message that will be sent from the picture before you write the caption
3. Write sentence or phrase under the picture

Types of caption text
1. Identification bar : This type of caption only mentions who is in the picture
2. Cutline : This type of caption mentions who is drawn and what it does
3. Summary : Contains a complete description of who was drawn, what was done, when it happened, where it happened, and why it was done.
4. Expanded : A more complete form of summary, this type of caption also includes how it happened and the quote.
5. Group identification : Same as the type of caption identification bar, only this type is used if the image contains more than one person.
6. Quote : Contains quotes from someone's words related to the picture.


At the closing section, we sing a tradisional song called Ayam Den Lapeh which was created by Abdul Hamid.


Luruihlah jalan Payakumbuah
Babelok jalan Kayu Jati
Dima hati indak kan rusuah
Ayam den lapeh, ohoi ... ayam den lapeh

Mandaki jalan Pandaisikek
Manurun jalan ka Biaro
Di ma hati indak maupek
Awak takicuah, ohoi ... ayam den lapeh

Sikua capang sikua capeh
Saikua tabang sikua lapeh
Tabanglah juo nan karimbo
Ai lah malang juo

Pagaruyuang jo Batusangka
Tampek mandaki dek urang Baso
Duduak tamanuang ...

or click this link to listen more details https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6RoXsKk0x8

Thanks for visiting my blog, hope u like and enjoy it, oh do not forget to leaving a trail! Xoxo <3

credits :
- https://www.penuliscilik.com/whats-caption-text-materi-caption-kelas-12/
- https://englishadmin.com/2015/11/pengertian-dan-contoh-caption-bahasa-inggris.html

Sabtu, 16 November 2019


Group 3 consists of : (from back left to front right)
-  Aditya Dwi Gumara
- Timotius Bagaskara
- Syafa Adelia
- Syammira Dhifa


We sang Bungaku created by : Cornel Simanjuntak. 

Waktu menyingsing fajar
Pagi sunyi senyap
Matahari berhasil
Mengganti malam g'lap

Nampak sekuntum bunga
Di muka rumahku
Kepala Mas Juita
Daunnya beledu

Click to hear Bungaku song more clearly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qup9PK7Vr_c

This the numerical notations of Bungaku by Cornel Simanjuntak.


Group 3 was talking about offering something.
Offering Something is one type of expression that we use when we want to offer something to other people.

Offering Something
- Would you like something to drink?
- Would you like to go disco?
- Would you like to come along?
- Could I offer you a glass of lemonade?
- Would you mind joining us?
- Would you like a cup of coffee?
- Shall I get you a bottle of water?
- Would you like to leave a message?

- What can I get for you?
- Won't you have a pancake?
- Do you want something to eat?
- Cheese sandwich?
- Chocolate?
- Have some
- Like one?

Accepting an Offer
- Thank you
- Yes please
- I'd like it very much
- Thank you, I would ...
- That would be very nice
- I'm pleased to do that
- With pleasure
- Yes, I'd like some.
- Oh yes, I'd love to
- That sounds nice
- That's very kind of you

Refusing an Offer
- No thanks
- Not for me, thanks
- No, I really won't thank you
- I'd like to, but I have ...
- I'm afraid I can't thanks anyway
- It would be a great pleasure ... But I'm afraid I have

Andy: Here. Have a cookie.
Bryan: Thanks.
Andy: Would you like some cake?
Bryan: No thank you. It looks delicious though.
Andy: How about a glass of coffee?
Bryan: Thanks, but I don't drink coffee.
Andy: What will you have to drink?
Bryan: Manggo juice will be fine.
Andy: Would you like some more pie?
Bryan: Sure. It's really good. Did you make it yourself?
Andy: Can I get you some milk or something?
Bryan: Well, a glass of water would be okay.


At this closing section, we were singing Buka Pintu, was created by : RC Hardjosubroto.

Buka pintu buka pintu, beta mau mau masuke
Siolah nona nona beta, adalah di mukae
Beta panggil tidak menyahut, buka pintu juga tidak mau
Siolah nona, beta mau masuke

Beta panggil tidak menyahut, buka pintu juga tidak mau
Buka pintu beta mau mau masuke

Buka pintu buka pintu, beta mau mau masuke
Siolah nona nona beta, adalah di mukae
Ada anjing gonggong betae, ada hujan basah betae
Siolah nona beta mau masuke

Ada anjing gonggong betae, ada hujan basah betae
Buka pintu beta mau mau masuke

Thanks for visiting my blog, hope u like and enjoy it, oh do not forget to leaving a trail! Xoxo <3


Group 2 consists of : (from left to right)
- Galuh Eswa Ayunda
- Michelle Debora
- Akhdan Irmansyah


As ussual, at the opening section we sing a song together. The title of the song is Hymne Siswa by : Husein Mutahar.
 A little information guys, In this song, Husein Mutahar as the creator advised that indonesian students can pass on their knowledge that has been obtained to others for the sake of Mother Earth (Indonesia) better. In addition, Husein also invited students to uphold religious teachings, uphold the values ​​of Pancasila, and maintain diversity in Indonesia.

Hymne Siswa
Ibuku pertiwi Indonesia
Tekad kami putramu semua
Kami taqwa pada Tuhan Esa
Dan jadi pandu insan pancasila

Harkatmu harkatku jua Ibu
Ku junjung dan ku jaga

Harkatmu harkatku juga Ibu
Ku junjung dan kujaga

or click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyB9cQje1nA to listen the original song.


The material this time is intended so that we can take the meaning of a song. 
Songs are compositions of tone or sound in the order, combination, and temporal relationships (usually accompanied by musical instruments) to produce musical compositions that have unity and continuity (containing rhythm). And the range of rhythmic notes or sounds is also called a song.

The social function of song are:
a. To entertain the listeners.
b. To teach moral value through the lyrics of the songs.
c. To provide a way of managing the realitionship between our public and private emotional life.
d. To express personal feeling and cultural values.
e. To give someone to not only shares their emotions with others, but also to have an emotional connection that just can’t be experienced in any other way.

a. Intro
--> The introduction establishes melodic, harmonic, and/or rhythmic related to the main body of song.
b. Verse
--> It is the section of the song structure that tells the story. This is the exposition, describing the scene or the person, or an emotion.
c. Chorus of Refrain
--> A chorus is the most repeated section, so it’s the easiest remembered. A chorus is the summary of the song’s story.
d. Break
--> A break is actually a brief “rest” or “pause” for the core melody within a song used to add further dimension and excitement.
e. Bridge
--> The bridge is the section that gives the audience time to reflect on the story, or gives them the “climax” or conclusion of the story through verses and chorus. Bridges can be used to give the singer a break.
f. Outro or Coda
--> This is the end of the road for the song. It can repeat the intro, chorus or a refrain as an outro, for a bridge with an instrumental solo.

1. Lyrics are written in first, second, or third person given on the specific perspective you choose. Often time point of views change in lyrics, but only when needed.
2. They use rhyming words. Usually songs use a familiar catchy tune and rhyme. A rhyme is a linguistic style, based on consonance or similiar sound of two or more syllables or whole words at the end of one line; rhymes are most commonly used in poetry and songs.
3. They use alliteration. It is a stylistic device in which a number of words, having the same  first conconant sound, occur close together in a series, for example: A big bully beats a baby boy.
4. Some songs use poetic devices, such as figure of speech and imagery. While songs can paint a vivid picture since they are longer mediums, imagery can be found in just a single sentences as well. Imagery is vivid descriptive language that appeals to one or more of the senses (sight, hearing, touch,semll, and taste) for example : Her blue eyes were as bright as the sun, blue as the sky, but soft as silk. A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning something different than its literal meaning.
5. Some songs use amusing word play and slang language. A word play is the manipulation of language (in particular, the sounds, and meanings of words) with the intent to amuse; verbal wit. Salng is kind of language consisting of very informal words and phrases. Slang is more common in speech than in writing, for example: gonna, wanna, ain’t, etc.


Rek ayo rek mlaku mlaku nang Tunjungan
Rek ayo rek rame rame bebarengan
Cak ayo cak sopo gelem melu aku
Cak ayo cak dolek kenalan cah ayu

Ngalor ngidul liwat toko ngumbah moto
Masio mung nyenggal nyenggol ati lego
Sopo ngerti nasib Awak lagi mujur
Kenal anake sing dodol rujak cingur

Jok dipikir angger podho gak duwe sangu
Jok dipikir Angger podho gelem mlaku
Mangan tahu jok dicampur nganggo timun
Malam minggu jok podho digawe nglamun

Rek ayo rek mlaku mlaku nang Tunjungan
Rek ayo rek rame rame bebarengan
Cak ayo cak sopo gelem melu aku
Cak ayo cak dolek kenalan cah ayu

Ngalor ngidul…

or click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gk0kk1Ly-m0 to watch and listen for more details.

Thanks for visiting my blog, hope u like and enjoy it, oh do not forget to leaving a trail! Xoxo <3